A comprehensive federal lands bill is being proposed for Washoe County, which also goes by the name of Washoe County Economic Development and Conservation Act. The bill includes three distinct components:
- Economic Development for the Greater Reno/Sparks area
- Names, acreages and maps of federal lands in the northern portion of Washoe County that will be proposed for conservation and the release of the remaining wilderness study areas
- The draft language that accompanies these maps.
For more information or to view the updated proposed maps and bill draft language, please visit their website: www.washoecounty.us/csd/planning_and_development/conservation-act.php
Washoe County is asking for input on the updated proposal based on the input received up to now on the bill.
Please plan to attend the meetings listed below for information and discussion of the two components of the bill.
For the economic development portion: Tuesday, April 24. 2018 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Convention Center.
For the conservation portion: Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Convention Center.
For additional information, please contact:
Jamie Rodriguez
Management Analyst- Government Affairs
Washoe County Manager’s Office
(775) 328-2010 (office)
1001 E. Ninth Street Reno, NV 89512