Dirt Bike Ride
We get to show some folks that are new to the area some good stuff starting from the Fish Springs area.
Probably a fairly fast/hard ride with a good variety of terrain.
We will meet Saturday, Nov 15th, at 10:00am and ride until we get back.
Questions? gomodough@gmail.com
See the front page of the wbsite for info!
January 24, 2015
A meeting will be held this afternoon, Saturday Jan., 24, 2015 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in Carson City at the Carson Plaza Hotel. 801 South Carson St.
The last of these meetings will be held on Thursday, January29, 2015, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm in Yerington Nev., at the Yerington Elementary School, 112 North California St., Yerington, Nev. 89447
Colleen Sievers, the project manager, will open with a short power point that describes the process and discusses how to get a comment to the BLM. Comment forms are available at the meeting as well as written information on where to send comments and a guide to help write substantive comments.
As it is set up as an informational meeting, the BLM will have their respective experts at their separate areas with their maps, charts and information.
If you have any questions about this process, these are the places to get those answered.
This Resource Management Plan is the document that will guide the use of this entire north western Nevada BLM district for the next 20 YEARS!
Please join us for a day of taking care of our trails. The idea of this event is to maintain and improve one of the trails by fixing bumps and drainage issues. We will be meeting at to AM at the single tree staging area (just past the Gardnerville dump on Pine Nut Rd #2).
We will be meeting at the tree at 10 AM to maintain the “Teacher’s Trail” on the north side of Pine Nut Road.
• Work is planned from 10 until 2 pm.
• Pizza is provided afterwards.
• Bring tools, gloves and everything you need for a safe day working in the desert.
• We will have some tools and gloves to loan out.
These events are really fun! Come on out and build up your trail Karma!
see the front page post, or come to our meeting on march 10th at flight restaurant 7pm!
The second annual Pine Nut Mountains Trail Association Family Fun Ride and BBQ is happening, Sunday June 21st, 2015.
We will be meeting at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Gardnerville, just off of Pine Nut 2 Rd. There is a large parking area on the right side just before entering the fairgrounds. We’ll meet there at 9:00 am and break into ride groups. Different groups for different riding levels and different rides ( 2 wheels, 4 wheels, hoofs ?). Everyone is invited, even if you can only drive out to the BBQ.
The plan is for all to meet at Sheep Camp at 12noon for the killer BBQ that Nate L will be hosting. Burgers, gourmet dogs and grilled Portabello’s for those who don’t do the beef thing, will be the featured fair, with snacks and drinks (lite adult and nonadult). If you have any other preferred bbqables contact Nate prior to Sunday.
There will be a film crew from the Carson Valley Visitors Authority there capturing the good times we’re having. They are promoting “Rugged, Relaxed, Reachable” as a theme for our area. So make sure that helmet hair is looking good!
For those not familiar with the location of Sheep Camp, we will have some simple maps of the area to hand out in the morning at the fairgounds.
See you at the Fairgrounds. Or at least at Sheep Camp at noon.
Contact me with any questions. 530-414-5178 gomodough@gmail.com
Hey all you trail riders,
A couple of months ago while discussing things to do this summer a trail ride in the Sweetwaters, up to Mt. Patterson, aka Marz, was brought up. I forgot to post it, but recently found the date in some old meeting notes. Thank Ed B. for reminding me about it.
Sunday July 19, 2015.
The riding consists of fun roads and trails. Mostly rocky. Some a little, some very rocky, with challenging sections. Watch for cows on the lower roads.
The views are the absolute best around. The top of Mt. Patterson is 11,600 ft high.
Take Hwy 395 south past Topaz. Drive 5.4 miles past the Ca. Ag. inspection station and turn left on Topaz Lane. Go 3.5 miles to the end of Topaz Ln. and turn left. On the dirt road 0.2 miles turn right up on to a flat staging/shooting area. Someone please bring a garbage bag to pick up spent shells left by stupid people.
This is not the place to ride if there is a chance of thunder storms and lightning. The vast majority of the riding is open and exposed.
Meet at 9:00AM at the staging/shooting area.
This is Toiyabe National Forest in California, so an OHV sticker (NV or CA) is required.
Our PNMTA general meeting will be held August 11, 2015.
7:00 pm at the flight Restaurant.
2244 Airport Road, Minden, Nevada.
Agenda items to include: Discussion of club officers, to be elected at the October meeting. A club motorized poker run in September. The Reno Ride 200 dual sport ride, in September. The Ivesone Ranch camp/ride weekend, the first weekend of October. + whatever is on your mind.
Contact me with any thoughts or questions. gomodough@gmail.com
See you there.